Tribal SHIP
Tribal communities in Minnesota are working with SHIP (Statewide Health Improvement Partnership) to improve health by elevating cultural wisdom and initiating engagement across generations. Efforts focus on increasing opportunities for healthy food access and physical activity, with strategies that are tailored to tribal needs and culture. Those strategies use culture as a bridge for health and healing, integrating traditional activities, teachings, and ceremonies. Despite the adversity that Native people in the United States face, indigenous cultural knowledge and resiliency remain intact in Minnesota communities. Through Tribal SHIP, innovative and culturally appropriate strategies are being used to advance health equity; native people have some of the lowest health outcomes in the state.
Culturally-Based Approaches
Healthy food access and knowledge of traditional indigenous food are pressing issues in tribal communities. Food insecurity, poverty, and diet-related disease disproportionately affect native people compared to Minnesota’s general population. Preserving and reclaiming food systems is critical. Understanding the roles of sovereignty, culturally-based approaches to strengthening community food practices and strategies for conveying traditional knowledge are important. The rapid change from physically active lifestyles to more sedentary ones has also had a serious effect on the health of American Indians. Traditional lifestyles allowed for greater energy expenditure from physical labor through daily activities such as hunting, fishing, ricing and agricultural work, as well as recreational activities, such as lacrosse and stickball and participating in pow wows.
Creating Healthy, Sustainable Tribal Communities
Tribal SHIP strategies designed to increase the availability of and access to physical activity include:
- Providing engagement and education around traditional activities that uphold cultural-connectedness, healing and physical activity such as lacrosse, stickball, pow wow dancing and hoop dancing
- Holding culture classes and camps on harvesting maple syrup and wild rice, canoeing and gathering wild foods and medicinal plants
- Increasing the availability of safe outdoor and indoor recreation spaces and opportunities
- Supporting walkable and bikeable communities
- Establishing Safe Routes to School
- Sponsoring before- and after-school programming
- Creating worksite policies that support physical activity
- Helping health care providers connect with community organizations to improve patient access to preventive and chronic care services
Tribal SHIP strategies designed to increase the availability of and access to healthy and indigenous foods
- Preserving and reclaiming food sovereignty, cultural traditions, and native food systems
- Integrating indigenous and healthy goods into community outlets
- Building local food economies
- Increasing local agricultural and food production
- Gathering medicinal plants and wild foods
- Ensuring sustainable development and practices
- Creating worksite policies that support healthy foods and vending
- Helping connect health care providers and community organizations to improve patient access to
preventive and chronic care services