Medical Emergency Fund

What is the Bois Forte Medical Emergency Fund?

The Bois Forte Medical Emergency fund was established by the Bois Forte Reservation Tribal Council to travel to care for or visit an immediate family member with a serious health condition that arises in emergency circumstances. Other instances where the fund may be accessed is a medically necessary surgery or one post-operation visit.


  1. The medical situation must be emergent as defined below, a medically necessary surgery, or a post-operation follow-up appointment.
  2. Must be 18 years or older to apply for assistance.
  3. The patient or applicant must be a Bois Forte Band member.
  4. The patient or the applicant must be a resident of one of the following counties: St. Louis, Koochiching, Itasca.
  5. The applicant must have to travel greater than 45 miles from home to the healthcare facility.
    1. Exceptions to this rule include patients in the metropolitan area and/or;
    2. Patients who require and overnight stay.


  1. Application must be filled out.
  2. .Verification of admittance from the facility the patient is located
    1. Verification must include short reason for stay, length of stay, signature, letterhead.
    2. This is the patient/family’s responsibility. The MEF worker will not request this on behalf of the patient.
  3. Tribal enrollment verification.
  4. If the trip is not made, all money received must be returned to Bois Forte within 10 days of check date.
  5. The check issued needs to be picked up within 10 days from the date of the check. If not, the check will be voided.
  6. .If someone else is going to be receiving the check, it needs to be stated on the application
    1. All changes to this need to be received in writing. Verbal notification will not be accepted.
    2. Checks are printed and distributed at the Bois Forte Reservation Government Building in Nett Lake.
    3. If not stated on the application that the check is going to be picked up, the check may be mailed to address listed on the application.
  7. All requests for same day services needs to be turned in to the MEF worker by 2:00 pm. Those not received on time may not receive their check that day.


  1. .A max of $400.00 in assistance will be given per patient per calendar year
    1. 21¢ per mile traveled.
    2. $70.00 per night lodging.
    3. $40.00 per day for meals.
  2. Bois Forte Medical Emergency Fund Guidelines 9/3/2019 DRV Approved 7/15/2020.


Medical Emergency: an acute injury or illness that poses an immediate risk to a person’s life or long-term health, sometimes referred to as a situation risking “life or limb.”

Immediate Family Member: Spouse, Significant other, child, parent, stepchildren, foster children, grandparents, grandchildren.

Download Medical Emergency Application and Guidelines