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Education & Training

Bois Forte Education Department

5344 Lakeshore Drive
Nett Lake, MN 55772

Office: 218-757-3261
Fax: 218-757-3312


5344 Lakeshore Drive
Nett Lake, MN 55772

Office: 218-757-3261
Fax: 218-757-3312

  • Higher Education Programs

    The Higher Education programs offer scholarships based upon need as defined by a school financial aid officer.

    The maximum allowance is $5,000 per academic year for undergraduates and $6,250 per academic year for graduate students.


    Leanne Hoffman
    Education Programs Technician
    Office: 218-757-3261
    Fax: 218-757-3312
    Email: lhoffman@boisforte-nsn.gov





  • College Tuition Waivers for Native American Students

    Many states have enacted laws providing for scholarships, tuition waivers, or grant programs for Native Americans.

    Most of the states require that students be residents of the state prior to enrolling in a state college/university and/or be a member of a tribe from that state. Students should check with the colleges they are interested to see if Native American scholarships or tuition waivers are offered.

    Click to view a list of states that provide in-state tuition rates or tuition waiver to Native American students. Visit the state college/university website listed and search under “Financial Aide” for “American Indian” tuition waiver.

  • TERO

    The Tribal Employment Rights Organization (TERO) was established by tribal law, enacted by the Bois Forte Tribal Council, to promote and require Indian Preference in employment, training and contracting. The TERO Ordinance, revised and adopted on July 20, 2005, covers all non-governmental employers and projects located on or near the Nett Lake Indian Reservation.

    The Nett Lake Band of Chippewa Indians have a sovereign right to employment opportunities on and near their own land. These rights are protected through your local TERO Ordinance enacted by the Bois Forte Tribal Council.

    Tribal members should register with the TERO office to ensure they are listed by job skills and qualifications, in the event a job opening occurs for which they are qualified.


    TERO Application ↓   Application for Certification ↓



    Warren Villebrun
    TERO Officer
    Office: 218-757-3261
    Fax: 218-757-3312
    Email: wvillebrun@boisforte-nsn.gov


  • Direct Employment Program

    Direct Employment Program

    The program will help with uniforms, work clothing, work boots/shoes, tools, gas, auto expenses (excluding routine maintenance, cosmetic repairs and/or loan payments), and childcare.

    Direct Employment Guidelines

    Eligibility will be determined by the following criteria:

    1. Must be an enrolled member of the Bois Forte Band of Chippewa.
    2. Must reside in St. Louis, Koochiching or Itasca Counties.
    3. Must apply for services within 30 days of original hire.
    4. The amount of financial assistance will be based on the verified need. (Not to exceed $400.00)
    5. Letter stating need must accompany this application.
    6. All eligible applications must be completed prior to services.

    No cash payment will be made to participant. Those applicants that are full time employees will receive a maximum amount of $400.00. Permanent part-time employees will receive a pro-rated amount based upon the maximum amount set for full time employees and number of hours worked as indicated by supervisor completing the Employment Verification Form. On call employees with receive a flat rate of $100.00. (Employment Verifications are included in application).

    The program will help with uniforms, work clothing, work boots/shoes, tools, gas, auto expenses (excluding routine maintenance, cosmetic repairs and/or loan payments), and childcare. Payments will be issued in the form of a purchase order or direct payment to the provider of services. If asking for assistance with childcare please provide a statement including full name of provider, address, and childcare rate. A W-9 form will also be required from the childcare provider.

    To apply for Direct Employment:

    1. Have employer fill out Verification of Employment form.
    2. Write a short Statement of Need that includes what you need assistance with.
    3. Return application, verification, and statement of need to the WIOA office for determination of eligibility.


    Download Direct Employment Guidelines and Application↓


    Leanne Hoffman
    Education Programs Technician
    Office: 218-757-3261
    Fax: 218-757-3312
    Email: lhoffman@boisforte-nsn.gov



  • Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Application

    Bois Forte Reservation Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act Application

    This program is designed to further your employment, to retain employment or to help find you employment.

    Download the Workforce Investment Act – Application and Guidelines↓


    Leanne Hoffman
    Education Programs Technician
    Office: 218-757-3261
    Fax: 218-757-3312
    Email: lhoffman@boisforte-nsn.gov







  • Summer Youth Program 2021

    Bois Forte Summer Youth 2021

    Applications Available April 1, 2021 to May 14, 2021

    The Summer Youth Program is available to ages 14 to 21, who live on the Reservation and meet the criteria. If you are interested in applying or would like to inquire further information about the program, stop by the Adult Education Office in Nett Lake or the Vermilion Community Center. Should you have any questions feel free to call the Bois Forte Adult Education Office at 218-757-3261.  The Nett Lake Education Department Offices are now located at the Tribal Government Building.

    Summer youth workers are employees of the Bois Forte Tribal Government and will be expected to comply with the Personnel Policies and Code of Ethics of the Bois Forte Tribal Government. The summer youth program will be on the Tribal Government’s payroll system and scheduled payroll dates. The rate of pay will be $10.10 per hour worked and will be subject to applicable income taxes. Upon employment you will be required to complete a Form W-4. All summer youth employees will have the opportunity to work 32 hours per week for 8 weeks, which will begin June 14, 2021 and end on August 5, 2021. Persons who have received a conditional offer of employment will be subject to pre-employment drug testing. As employees of the Band, you will also be subject to random drug testing.

    *Must hand in application on or before May 14, 2021*
    *Absolutely NO LATE APPLICATIONS will be accepted*

    Download the 2021 Summer Youth Information and Application Packet↓



    Bridgette Burr
    Native Youth Coordinator
    5344 Lakeshore Drive
    Nett Lake, MN 55772
    Office: 218-757-3261
    Cell: 218-994-1474
    Fax: 218-757-3312
    Email: bburr@boisforte-nsn.gov


  • 477 Program
Bois Forte
Bois Forte Tribal Government - Nett Lake


5344 Lakeshore Drive
Nett Lake, MN 55772

Office: 218-757-3261
Toll Free: 1-800-221-8129
Fax: 218-757-3312
Email: Receptionist

Bois Forte Tribal Government - Vermilion


1610 Farm Road South
Tower, MN 55790

Office: 218-753-4542
Fax: 218-753-4055
Email: Receptionist

Urban Office - Minneapolis


1308 E. Franklin Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Office: 612-871-6618

More info

Urban Office - Duluth


206 West 4th Street #204
Duluth, MN 55806

Office: 218-336-1048

More info