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Solid Waste Program or Curbside Program
This program is funded by the Bois Forte Tribal Government.  The Curbside crew picks up garbage and recyclables.
The Curbside Routes are: Nett Lake, Vermillion, Highway 65, Palmquist, Indian Point and Sugarbush.

Dump Bin Rental
We have several dump bins that are rented out to individual homes and programs that are within the reservation boundaries. (note – during warm weather months only)

Community Clean Up Program
This program has been funded by the Bois Forte Tribal Government and operates during the months of June through September.  Residents along the Clean Up Routes (see Curbside Routes) are able to put items near the curbside and the Clean Up crew will pick most items up and dispose of those items free of charge. Allowable items for disposal are usually listed in public areas ahead of the start of the summer program.  Please call or ask any of the Curbside or Cleanup crew for additional information. The Clean Up Crew, varies from summer to summer and is a temporary employment situation, not to exceed 90 days.

Lead Program (EPA)
This program is currently not funded for 2019.



Environmental Services
Bois Forte Natural Resources
5344 Lakeshore Drive
Nett Lake, MN 55772



Environmental Services Manager
Bois Forte Natural Resources
5344 Lakeshore Drive
Nett Lake, MN 55772
Office: 218-757-3261
Fax: 218-757-3312

Bois Forte
Bois Forte Tribal Government - Nett Lake


5344 Lakeshore Drive
Nett Lake, MN 55772

Office: 218-757-3261
Toll Free: 1-800-221-8129
Fax: 218-757-3312
Email: Receptionist

Bois Forte Tribal Government - Vermilion


1610 Farm Road South
Tower, MN 55790

Office: 218-753-4542
Fax: 218-753-4055
Email: Receptionist

Urban Office - Minneapolis


1308 E. Franklin Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Office: 612-871-6618

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Urban Office - Duluth


206 West 4th Street #204
Duluth, MN 55806

Office: 218-336-1048

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