A vaccine helps people from catching a certain disease, like COVID-19. All vaccines are as safe as possible and are a simple way to prevent illness and community outbreaks. A vaccination is not a treatment for people who are already sick with COVID-19. Getting vaccinated helps everyone.
→Know the facts and avoid sharing misinformation.
→Start by sharing information from trusted sources like CDC.gov and IHS.gov
→Encourage your loved ones to get vaccinated.
→The more people in your community get vaccinated, the better everyone will be protected against COVID-19, especially those who are more vulnerable to serious illness, like elders and people in high-risk groups.
→A COVID-19 vaccine will help you from spreading the disease, and reduce you
r risk of getting sick, being hospitalized, or dying.
→COVID-19 vaccines are one of many important tools to help us stop this pandemic. It is important to use all the tools available to stop the pandemic, wear a mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance.
→Stay connected with family and friends while keeping a safe physical distance. Take care of yourself and each other, and know when to get help.
→Create a list of personal self-care activities you enjoy such as exercising, meditating, singing a traditional song, praying, or connecting with nature.
→Take deep breaths and stretch.
→Maintain a sense of hope and positive thinking and remember these strong feelings of stress and anxiety will fade.
→Stay connected with family and friends through social media and video chat.
→Connect with your community and others with drumming and dancing video via social media.
→Attend a spiritual service through on-line streaming.