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Bois Forte News

Bois Forte News

Bois Forte Tribal Government
5344 Lakeshore Drive
Nett Lake, Minnesota 55772

Madeline Johnson
PIO/Bois Forte News Editor
Office: 218-757-3261 x1273
E-mail: news@boisforte-nsn.gov

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  • Subscription Information

    Bois Forte Band Member Subscription/Change of Address

    The Bois Forte News is distributed for free to all enrolled Bois Forte Band members over the age of 18.
    To subscribe or update your mailing address, please fill out this form HERE↓

    *NOTE: This mailing list is different than the mailing list that the Enrollment Office/RTG uses. If you are looking for the information on how to update your contact information with Enrollment/RTG (This is where your Per Cap and other Tribal Government information is sent to), go to this page →  Enrollment Change of Address

    Non-Bois Forte Band Member Subscription/Change of Address Form

    The Bois Forte News is available to non-enrolled, non-natives for a subscription fee of $5.00 per year. At this time, we only accept CHECKS or MONEY ORDERS. To subscribe or update your mailing address, download this form HERE↓

  • Advertising Information

    Please note that our ad sizes may differ from standard industry sizes. If you have questions on these sizes please contact us.

    Full Page – 10” wide by 9.75” height
    Non-Band Member – $250.00
    Band Member & Businesses – $120.00

    Half Page Vertical – 5” wide by 9.75” height
    Half Page Horizontal – 10” wide by 4.875” height
    Non-Band Member – $130.00
    Band Member & Businesses – $70.00

    Quarter Page – 5” wide by 4.875” height
    Non-Band Member – $75.00
    Band Member & Businesses – $35.00

    Eighth Page Vertical – 2.42” wide by 4.937” height
    Eighth Page Horizontal – 4.937” wide by 2.42” height
    Non-Band Member – $35.00
    Band Member & Businesses – $15.00

Bois Forte
Bois Forte Tribal Government - Nett Lake


5344 Lakeshore Drive
Nett Lake, MN 55772

Office: 218-757-3261
Toll Free: 1-800-221-8129
Fax: 218-757-3312
Email: Receptionist

Bois Forte Tribal Government - Vermilion


1610 Farm Road South
Tower, MN 55790

Office: 218-753-4542
Fax: 218-753-4055
Email: Receptionist

Urban Office - Minneapolis


1308 E. Franklin Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Office: 612-871-6618

More info

Urban Office - Duluth


206 West 4th Street #204
Duluth, MN 55806

Office: 218-336-1048

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